Missouri’s violent crime rate at 488 per 100,000 is 28% higher than the national average, and this can be concerning for its residents. It helps to be proactive in protecting...
Inside this Article: Key Takeaways A Guide to Maryland Self-Defense Weapon Laws Self-Defense Weapons in Maryland (Legal Non-Lethal) Pepper Spray and Chemical Mace Stun Guns and Tasers Weapons of Lethal Self-Defense That Are...
Knowing the self-defense weapons Indiana law allows is key to your safety. Many residents care deeply about staying protected, yet worry about accidentally breaking a rule they don't fully grasp,...
Inside this Article: Key Takeaways Overview of Self-Defense Laws in Massachusetts Legal Self-Defense Weapons Knives Pepper Spray and Mace Stun Guns and Tasers Byrna and Pepperball Guns Licensing and Permits...
Grandma with 2 grandkids narrowly escapes from car submerged in water. (Video)
The latest Tennessee crime rate reports as of October 2024 show 672.2 violent incidents per 100,000, which is higher than the national average of 398/100,000. While this may be concerning,...
What's Inside Key Takeaways Arizona's Self-Defense Laws The Castle Doctrine Stand Your Ground Law The Reasonable Person Standard Types of Legal Self-Defense Weapons in Arizona Legally Permitted Handguns Usage of...
Table of Contents Key Takeaways Overview of Self-defense Laws in Washington State Self-Defense Weapons and Washington State Home Defense Laws Understanding the Castle Doctrine Comparing Duty to Retreat and Stand Your Ground Criteria...
The good news about Virginia is that it has one of the lowest crime rates in the USA. This, though, should not make Virginia residents complacent as the bad news...
FBi reported an increase in violent crimes in NJ last year, so it helps to keep yourself informed with legal non-lethal weapons you can use, such as pepper spray, stun...
While violent crimes in Michigan went down by 1% in 2023, it was still higher at 12% than pre-pandemic levels. Source That being the situation, Michigan has laws about what...
Based on the latest sources, North Carolina has seen a surge in violent crimes, and with a reported 43,000 violent crimes a year, being aware of ways to defend yourself...